Recent Wins

Our specialist law experts across NSW, QLD, and WA do whatever it takes to make your claim process as simple as possible and get you the compensation you deserve.

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Settlement of $400,000
Workers Compensation Win

Jose was employed as a plasterer and injured his knee way back in 2007.

Jose is a 57-year-old man who injured his knee whilst using a wheelbarrow at work way back in 2007.

It was agreed that Jose suffered greater than 15% whole person impairment around December 2018 therefore rendering him eligible to make a workplace injury damages claim.


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Settlement of $380,000
Workers Compensation Win

Rijay was initially injured in 2003 and then again in 2015 due to repetitive lifting.

Rijay participated in employment which had him engaging in repetitive lifting for a number of years.  As a result, this caused him back injury which unfortunately ended up with fusion surgery.

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Settlement of $425,000
Workers Compensation Win

Franco was employed by the council and injured his knee when getting out his truck.

Franco alleged negligence on the part of his employer when he stepped out of his truck onto uneven ground…

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Settlement of $520,000
Workers Compensation Win

Anne was injured in a workplace accident.

Anne was employed on a casual basis in the hospitality industry and injured her back and neck when she was tasked with moving a crate of milk.

The insurer denied liability for Anne’s injury, and put up a fight to maintain their denial of liability, but Premier Compensation Lawyers won in the end, forcing the insurer to accept that the injury was related to her employment.

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Settlement of $440,000
Workers Compensation Win

Talia was at work when a forklift reversed over her left foot.

Talia was working in her usual occupation as a shop assistant when a forklift reversed over her left foot causing injury to her left foot and ankle. Talia was able to return to work 4 months later. We commenced proceedings in the District Court by way of a Statement of Claim. The lawyers for the insurer, Hall & Willcox, in their Defence document, chose to “not admit” that a collision took place!

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